Kitchen Spices - Study Guide PDF (Workshop completed)

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Kitchen Spices Cover.jpg.png

Kitchen Spices - Study Guide PDF (Workshop completed)

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$15.00

We return to our kitchens as we approach the end of the Empowered Herbalism series. As Winter returns and the plants die back, we recognize the continued abundance we have in our spice cabinets. We’ll examine the potency of common spices to build immunity and retain internal heat throughout winter. With an emphasis on circulation & cold care, we will be empowered to heal ourselves no matter where we travel, using spice herbs found in most homes & even hotels, so we know how to support our health even in winter, even when we don’t have access our own remedies or health food stores.

Each Herb Monograph in this guide shows a picture of the herb, a brief intro, herb actions, useful remedies to make with each particular herb, as well as more specific remedy recipes that are tried & true. I encourage you to explore the recipes, then experiment with different herbs, and try out the listed remedies either by researching recipes or making them up as you go along!

Many herbs have a plethora of healing properties, so it’s great to dive in deeply & frequently with just a few herbs. You’ll find that the ones within our reach can meet most of our needs. We have all we need right here.

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